11 May 2007

Recital 5

Final recital in summary: There were 3 hearing aids going off THE ENTIRE RECITAL (that high-pitched whine) - I couldn't hear anything else, not what I was playing, nothing, just the incessant electrical screech. And then in Schumann, the piano began rolling away. Between every etude. I was adjusting the piano and bench constantly. But the audience was great and seemed to like everything. And in spite of these problems, I played mostly well, minus a couple spots in Schumann where I was so frantic about the piano being too far away to play that I kind of ignored what notes I was actually playing. They want me back next year for another recital.

I still have to blog about 3 and 4. Soon. Oh, and I got a review from Carmel, very short, which I'll post next time.

1 comment:

D0nnaTr0y said...

I'm sorry your last performance was in such conditions. But congratulations on finishing your tour! I look forward to hearing your recordings... on myspace!