12 January 2007

Depth Perception: Poem and Analysis

Inside the mirrors,
me, looking deeply:
frowns heavy at
scrutinized blemishes.
Without days of
no more worry.
being just me.

(The writer clearly has issues with mirrors and is pleasantly surprised when, for some days, she doesn't look into one. This could be due to self-discipline and a strong desire to restrain from vanity. Or it could be because she doesn't have a mirror in her apartment. These Germans, you know - no kitchens, no shower rods, no bathroom mirrors.)

Me just being--
Worry no more.
of days without
blemishes scrutinized
at heavy frowns:
deeply looking, me,
mirrors the inside.


Anonymous said...

are you a poet also? nice.

ACN said...

Or so I like to pretend. :)

I have actually written some good stuff, but it's a little hard to write well when you have to flip the same works over backwards and upsidedown, so to speak. Hence, this.