09 November 2006

Ugs, and I don't mean umgangsprachlich

I am an extremely lazy person. It's horrendous. I am ashamed. And I take the opportunity to milk my days of sickness for all they're worth.

I am going to do LAUNDRY tonight and clean my ROOM. THEN I will NOT sleep in tomorrow but will WAKE UP EARLY and learn that thorn-in-my-side FINALE of the Symphonic Etudes. Then I will go to German class as I always do, and IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS I will PRACTICE until they THROW ME OUT. Then I will download the latest episode of my one allowed indulgence in life and spend the evening, I hope, with McDreamy. Unless iTunes pulls a fast one like last week and doesn't post the new episode until Saturday. Then I will be MAD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe Du bist ambitioniert! Viel Glück und viel Spaß! heh.

Ach, ich vermisse dich...und Berlin. :-D

Schreibst mir bald! (auf Deutsch?)